Si vous souhaitez consulter d’autres évènements n’hésitez pas à vous raprocher des sites suivants, sinon, consultez le tableau ci-dessous.
Event | Lieu | Cat. | Description | |
8 > 11 mai 2017 | Austin | Open Source | Open source is everywhere—from the bottom of the programming stack to the top. OSCON brings the software engineering and developer community together to explore what's new and useful in open source languages, tools, and techniques. It's the best place to sharpen your skills and discover important trends, making you better at what you do and igniting your love of code. | |
#gamesUR 28/02/2017 | San Francisco | Jeux | The #gamesUR conference is a one-day knowledge-sharing and networking event for professionals in games user research, user experience, playtesting and player insight, presented by the IGDA GURSIG. | |
/dev/var | Toulon | Dévelopement | Conscient du vivier de développeurs du var, et en l'absence d'évènement adéquat, nous avons décidé de mettre en place des réunions conviviales périodiques pour leur permettre d'échanger autour de diverses technologies, pratiques et réflexions. | |
ACM SIGGRAPH | Macao | Computer Graphics | Since its beginning in 1974 as a small group of specialists in a previously unknown discipline, ACM SIGGRAPH has evolved to become an international community of researchers, artists, developers, filmmakers, scientists, and business professionals who share an interest in computer graphics and interactive techniques. | |
Adobe Max 16 > 20 octobre 2017 | Las Vegas | Adobe | MAX 2016 will be even more of what attendees love about MAX. More breakouts to show you how to make the most of Adobe Creative Cloud. More inspiring speakers to share their creative process and visionary insights. And more opportunities to see how to build an amazing creative career. | |
Agile Content Conference 30 & 31 janvier 2017 | Londres | Méthode Agile | It’s easy to say that effective content meets user needs. But when it comes to making that happen on a complex digital project, things get tricky. We come across subject matter experts who don’t have digital experience. Or we find agile development processes which seem to leave out content. Convincing colleagues of the benefits of our approach can seem impossible. There’s another way. Instead of trying to convince people that user-centred content is more effective—telling them how it should be done—we can show them that focusing on user needs results in content that works for everyone. At the second annual agile content conf you’ll learn practices to help teams work together on content. | |
Agilia Budapest 16 > 18 octobre 2016 | Budapest | Méthode Agile | Hungarian conference about agile methodologies. Role of Product Owner and Product Management in Agile: Employment of agile and other techniques in product development and why they are important – creating vision, designing product, managing teams, role of Product Owner, engagement of customers and users, creativity and management of innovations. Use cases. Known experts and also professionals from trenches, from Hungary and mainly from abroad. New ideas and inspiration, speeches, workshops and space for networking and expertise exchanges. | |
Amuse 18 > 20 octobre 2017 | Budapest | UX | Amuse is an international conference for anyone interested in how to design and develop successful products that users love. | |
Annecy 12 > 17 juin 2017 | Annecy | Animation | Le Festival : la référence mondiale du cinéma d'animation. Découvrez les derniers chefs-d’œuvre animés, repérez les tendances actuelles et de demain, rencontrez vos réalisateurs préférés et les talents émergents, dénichez vos futurs collaborateurs et partenaires... dans l'ambiance conviviale du Festival international du film d'animation d'Annecy. | |
Best of Web 8 & 9 Juin 2017 | Paris | Web | 12 meetups web parisiens se réunissent pour vous proposer un Best Of de leurs talks de l'année, ainsi que quelques inédits et une journée de formation. | |
Blend Web Mix 26 & 27 Octobre 2017 | Lyon | Web | BlendWebMix propose deux jours de workshops, ateliers, conférences et rencontres qui s’adressent à des publics variés qui font vivre l’écosystème web : entrepreneurs, business développeurs, recruteurs, investisseurs, designers, formateurs… | |
Bulgaria Web Summit 7 > 8 avril 2017 | Sofia | web | An event about (almost) everything a modern web person should know. | |
Cloud Explo 6 > 8 juin 2017 | New York | Cloud Computing | Cloud computing is now being embraced by a majority of enterprises of all sizes. Yesterday's debate about public vs. private has transformed into the reality of hybrid cloud: a recent survey shows that 74% of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy. Meanwhile, 94% of enterprises are using some form of XaaS--software, platform, and infrastructure as a service. | |
Cloud Explo 31 > 2 novembre 2017 | Santa Clara | Cloud Computing | Cloud computing is now being embraced by a majority of enterprises of all sizes. Yesterday's debate about public vs. private has transformed into the reality of hybrid cloud: a recent survey shows that 74% of enterprises have a hybrid cloud strategy. Meanwhile, 94% of enterprises are using some form of XaaS--software, platform, and infrastructure as a service. | |
Design Research 09-mars-17 | Sydney | Design | Design Research 2017 will be a single-day, single-track conference all about undertaking research for use in design projects. It will include talks on research principles and great case studies, and will show how others have solved complex research problems. | |
Devoxx France 5 > 7 avril 2017 | Paris | Dévelopement | Devoxx France, La conférence pour les Développeurs Passionnés | |
E-Commerce 19 > 21 Septembre 2017 | Paris | e-retail | E-Commerce Paris est l’événement incontournable réunissant l’ensemble des acteurs du e-retail. En 2016, il mettra en lumière les offres des acteurs incontournables du secteur, avec en points d’orgue l’innovation et l’engagement qui donnent de la valeur à l’expérience d’achat digitale. | |
e-marketing 18 > 20 avril 2017 | Paris | Marketing | En 2017, le consommateur connecté, « digital addict », devient un consommateur augmenté. Agile, amateur des innovations …il visionne ses produits en réalité augmentée, raffole de nouvelles expériences digitales, s’exprime sur les réseaux sociaux et devient le meilleur ambassadeur des marques avec le social selling. Il apprécie toutes les solutions qui lui rendent la vie plus facile, plus fun souvent en 4D (Dimensions). | |
Embedded Linux Conference Europe 23 > 25 octobre 2017 | Prague | Linux | ELC is the premier vendor-neutral technical conference for companies and developers using Linux in embedded products. Now in its 12th year, the conference gathers user-space developers, product vendors, kernel and systems developers to collaborate. | |
Enterprise UX Virtual Summit 14 > 17 février | Online | UX | EUX Virtual Summit 2017 is the largest online UX event available. It’s free for everyone. Our mission is to spread best practices for designing enterprise products. 15 live webinars will be presented from UX practitioners and leaders at SAP, Intuit, Google, HP Enterprise, Core Logic, Asana, and others. | |
Festival International de la bande dessinée 26 > 29 janvier 2017 | Angoulème | Bande Désinnée | 44e Festival International de la bande dessinée d'Angoulême du 26 au 29 janvier 2017. | |
Film Francophone d'Angoulème 23 > 28 août 2017 | Angoulème | Cinéma | Festival du film d’Angoulême 9ème édition | |
Flupa UX-Days 8 & 9 Juin 2017 | Paris | UX | Le rendez-vous annuel des professionnels de l’UX ! | |
Front End Design Conference 19 > 21 avril 2017 | St. Petersburg | web | A conference for web professionals who love their community, the web, and learning. | |
Graphitec 30 > 1 juin 2017 | Paris | Communication | Plus que jamais, Graphitec est le « Rendez-vous » majeur des professionnels, fournisseurs des Arts et Industries Graphiques (imprimerie traditionnelle et numérique, façonnage et spécialistes de la finition, pré-presse, prestations de services et logiciels, traitement papier et image, signalétique et agences… ) et des acheteurs (imprimeurs, donneurs d’ordre et prescripteurs). | |
IA Summit 22 > 26 mars 2017 | Vancouver | Architecture Information | Information Architects have always recognized the essential role of the user. To be successful, IA must work for people. But as artificial intelligence and machine learning increase in power and prevalence, how can we ensure that technology serves human needs, and not the other way around? | |
IntelliSys 7 & 8 septembre 2017 | Londres | Intelligence Artificielle | IntelliSys provides a leading international forum that brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields with the purpose of exploring the fundamental roles, interactions as well as practical impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is part of the conference series started in 2013. | |
Interact 25 > 29 septembre 2017 | Mumbai | IHM | INTERACT conferences are an important platform for researchers and practitioners in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) to showcase their work. Over the years, the conferences have attracted researchers from several countries and cultures. | |
Internet of Things Expo 6 > 8 juin 2017 | New York | Internet of things | The Internet of Things (IoT) is the most profound change in personal and enterprise IT since the creation of the Worldwide Web more than 20 years ago. All major researchers estimate there will be tens of billions devices--computers, smartphones, tablets, and sensors--connected to the Internet by 2020. This number will continue to grow at a rapid pace for the next several decades. With major technology companies and startups seriously embracing IoT strategies, now is the perfect time to attend @ThingsExpo in Santa Clara. Learn what is going on, contribute to the discussions, and ensure that your enterprise is as IoT-Ready as it can be! | |
InteropITX 15 > 19 mai 2017 | Las Végas | Technologies and Industry | A Year's Worth of Tech Insight & Education in 5 Days. Explore six technology tracks that will help you drive your business forward and develop professionally | |
IUI 13 > 16 mars 2017 | Limassol | IHM | ACM IUI is where the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community meets the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community. We are also very interested in contributions from related fields, such as psychology, behavioral science, cognitive science, computer graphics, design, the arts, etc. | |
Joomla Day Les 18 et 19 mai 2018 | Paris | Web | Le JoomlaDay FR, c'est la rencontre annuelle entre tous les acteurs francophones de Joomla! À l’image de la communauté Joomla!, multiple, il réunit professionnels, développeurs, webdesigners, débutants, experts, étudiants, particulier, passionnés, professionnels, sceptiques, ...Pendant deux journées, vous avez accès à des conférences et des ateliers proposés par des experts. | |
MSIVISM 26 > 28 janvier 2017 | Séville | Multimedia | The 4th International Conference “Multimedia, Scientific Information and Visualization for Information Systems and Metrics” is a scientific meeting for discussing the latest advances in the emerging areas of computer sciences, information systems, multimedia online and off-line, visualization and information scientific, software quality and metrics, for instance. | |
Paris Open Source Summit nov-17 | Paris | Open Source | Son ambition est d’exposer les innovations technologiques, la réalité et le dynamisme économique des solutions et acteurs de cette filière numérique,ainsi que leurs impacts sociétaux. | |
Paris Web Septembre ? | Paris | Web | Paris Web, la conférence francophone des gens qui font le web, explore les thèmes de l'accessibilité Web, du design numérique et des standards ouverts. L'équipe associative et bénévole travaille sur l'édition 2017, mais a crucialement besoin de votre aide. | |
Respond 4 > 5 mai 2017 | Sydney | RWD | The technologies, devices, practices and techniques for delivering compelling Web based experiences are ever changing. Last year's bleeding edge is this years status quo. We've lived and breathed the Web for more than 20 years, and use this unique perspective, and deep knowledge to curate two days of in-depth, invaluable presentations from local and world leading experts. Past speakers have included Ethan Marcotte (inventor of 'Responsive Design', Scott Jehl, Karen McGrane and Sara Soueidan.) | |
Respond 8 > 9 mai 2017 | Melbourne | RWD | The technologies, devices, practices and techniques for delivering compelling Web based experiences are ever changing. Last year's bleeding edge is this years status quo. We've lived and breathed the Web for more than 20 years, and use this unique perspective, and deep knowledge to curate two days of in-depth, invaluable presentations from local and world leading experts. Past speakers have included Ethan Marcotte (inventor of 'Responsive Design', Scott Jehl, Karen McGrane and Sara Soueidan.) | |
Respond 12-mai-17 | Brisbane | RWD | The technologies, devices, practices and techniques for delivering compelling Web based experiences are ever changing. Last year's bleeding edge is this years status quo. We've lived and breathed the Web for more than 20 years, and use this unique perspective, and deep knowledge to curate two days of in-depth, invaluable presentations from local and world leading experts. Past speakers have included Ethan Marcotte (inventor of 'Responsive Design', Scott Jehl, Karen McGrane and Sara Soueidan.) | |
Satis 7 > 9 novembre 2017 | Paris | Technos | Le Salon des Technologies de l’Image et du Son, plus couramment appelé Satis, est le seul événement en France réunissant toute la communauté audiovisuelle professionnelle francophone. | |
SEO Camp'us 9 & 10 mars 2017 | Saint Denis | SEO | Référencement, web analytics, réseaux sociaux, monétisation… Tout ce qui fait que le SEO d’aujourd’hui et fera celui de demain. | |
Smashing Conference 4 > 5 avril 2017 | San Francisco | front-end | We’re cookin’ up something fancy for you. Care for a taste? Meet SmashingConf San Francisco 2017, featuring front-end ingredients, UX recipes and nothing but practical beats from the hidden corners of the web. Only practical, real-life techniques and recipes you can learn from. | |
Sud Web 19 & 20 Mai 2017 | Aix en Provence | Web | Sud Web est la conférence itinérante des travailleurs du web pour apprendre, comprendre et partager nos expériences. | |
Sustainable UX 16-févr-17 | Online | UX | A free online conference exploring the myriad ways people who shape the web and other digital experiences can use their skills to combat climate … | |
US Salon 19 > 20 mars 2017 | Tel-Aviv | UX | UX Salon is a group dedicated to the professional practice and learning of user experience design. 2 days of practical UX training and inspiration. | |
UX + Dev Summit 1 > 3 février 2017 | Fort Lauderdale | Design, Dévelopement | Many companies have understood the value of having a product that has great usability and experience which is critical to compete in today’s fast pace world. Knowing how to create these processes that lead to defining great user experiences and development are key ingredients to a product success and adoption. We’ll be covering topics from both perspectives by bringing both fields together with discussions and workshops that will focus on both points of views throughout the conference. | |
UX Immersion Interactions 1 > 3 mai 2017 | Portland | UX | New Practices and Techniques Meet Theory and Expertise at UX Immersion: Interactions. A conference unlike any other. Get clear-cut direction on specific actions and specific skills. Learn breakthrough methods you’ll apply immediately. | |
UX insight 09-févr-17 | Utrecht | UX | UX insight is a conference for UX research professionals. With in-depth presentations, from the workings of human perception to ethics in research || Learn from leading businesses and interesting cases || Participate in hands on workshops || Connect, share, learn and participate! | |
UX Week 29 > 1 septembre 2017 | San Francisco | UX | Design professionals from all over the world gather for four days of community, inspiration and skills building. Now in its 15th year, UX Week delivers new tools you can put to use immediately. | |
Web a Quebec 4 > 6 avril 2017 | Québec | Web | Avec plus de 60 conférenciers, 4 grands thèmes de conférence (Développement, Design, Marketing et Innovation) et plus de 1350 participants, le WEB À QUÉBEC (WAQ) est le plus grand événement Web francophone en Amérique. Né du dynamisme de la communauté numérique de Québec, le WAQ est avant tout un événement dont l’objectif est de rassembler tous les acteurs de la communauté numérique. Au-delà des personnes œuvrant dans les domaines de ce secteur d’activité, le WAQ est une opportunité pour les organisations qui souhaitent optimiser leurs performances grâce au numérique. C’est aussi un rassemblement de choix pour les délégations étrangères ainsi que pour les étudiants à la recherche de leurs premiers contacts. | |
Web2day 7 > 9 Juin 2017 | Nantes | Technos | Humain, vibrant et intense. Le Web2day, c’est le festival des professionnels et des passionnés des nouvelles technos qui ont envie de s’inspirer, apprendre et networker dans une ambiance détendue et décalée. Plus de 200 speakers nationaux et internationaux, un concours de startups, un village de 1500 m2, des animations folles, des soirées mémorables (ou pas), le tout dans un cadre atypique : nous vous promettons 3 jours inoubliables. | |
WebCamp Day 19-mai-17 | Angers | Marketing | C'est quoi le WebCamp Day ? / un événement pour tous les amoureux du webmarketing | |
WordCamp Bordeaux 18-mars-17 | Bordeaux | WordPress | WordCamp Bordeaux | L’évènement WordPress de la communauté bordelaise | |